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So much to say, so little time to say it! In the past three weeks, I…
Visited Queenstown with Moni – Drove his car, The Beast (twin turbo engine, sports shift, v6, responsive and oh so smooth on the corners), south through the Canterbury Plains and the barren, imposing Lindis Pass. Wandered about the town, […]
I know, I know, you haven’t heard from me in ages. Am I alive? Am I well? Have I gone round the twist or fallen off the face of the earth? Yes. Yes. Not really, and no. Rather, I’ve been sucked into the routine and life that is Lake Tekapo and the Godley Resort. Time […]
Back from the abyss!! Nearly three weeks later, I’ve thoroughly experienced Wellington, bid adieu to the North Island, and am currently writing from Lake Tekapo, in about the middle of the South Island. Internet is extremely dear, so I’ll jump right in and fill you all in, starting with my ferry journey between the islands […]
I just “can’t be assed” (meaning: can’t be bothered. Say it with an English accent, it sounds better that way: “cahn’t be ahssed”) to write an update. I don’t feel like enough exciting things have gone on in the last few days to warrant an entire entry. Meh. Things are good, no worries, I’m just […]
From Turangi to…Oban Station. Again. The Richmonds, take 2. A much shorter stay this time, just four nights. Wasn't planning to go back, to complete the circle, but as I was ending my stay with the McGregors, George sent me a text asking when/if I'd be passing through Hawkes Bay again. As my plans for Wellington […]
“The Best Day Hike In NZ.” That's how it's advertised. The Tongariro Crossing. It's hyped up to be quite an intense and difficult (but worthwhile) walk, across the ridges and craters between Mts. Ngarahoe and Tongariro, 17km altogether, not including the possible side trips up to the summits of the two mountains. This was the […]
Aimless is the word I would use to describe these past few days. When I left Sandy’s place in Gisborne, I knew two things: 1) I was driving around the East Cape and seeing the sunrise; 2) I was going to go hiking in the Tongariro (Tong-ah-rear-roe) National Park (located in the very middle of […]
At 5:30 AM, today, February 3rd, 2006, I sat in the rain at the top of the easternmost point in the world, and watched the sun come up. I was the first person in the world – in the world! – to see the start of the day. I got up at 4:30, stuffed my […]
Three things need to be addressed.
1. In my last entry I wrote that it had been three months. Not true. It should have read 11 weeks. Today's entry comes exactly three months and three days into the trip.
2. I repeatedly referred to the Richmonds and their property as “farmers” and “the […]
This is the sound that a 12-gage shotgun makes when it's fired ten feet away from me. The hills around the farm catch the sound and echo it back and forth, stirring up more birds to be shot at.
This is the sound that a 12-gage shotgun makes when I fire it, because the […]