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part 2

Free internet! For a little while, anyway.

Okay, so back to my weekend mountain retreat. It was exactly what I needed. After the stress of leaving Maureen's, to have two days of quiet and vigorous exercise in my favorite type of setting was like aloe to sunburned skin. And then meeting Mark – oh, what […]

same place – one week later

Only seven days have passed, but the world has been reversed. German boys – done. Buh-bye. Yucky, depressing feelings of loneliness – adios. Say hello instead to CAR, MOUNTAINS, and SELF-SUFFICIENCY!

It's been an eventful week. I've got a lot to fit in, and no money to pay for extra time, so bear with me […]

loose ends

For the first time in two weeks, I find myself with cheap and unlimited internet access! Hooray! Not free, but I'm willing to pay for the chance to get fully caught up on emails and journaling without feeling like I have to rush so that Maureen can get back online. I'm back in Auckland (the […]

rainy day

Drove the tractor in the orchards for two hours this morning, mowing down the five foot tall (seriously) grass, while C, C, and Maureen picked fruit to fill an order. About a half hour in, it started to sprinkle, and only got worse from there. Soaked, sopping, drenched, cold, and covered with bugs and bits […]

krauts, croquet, and cape reinga

In the last six days, I have gone from being a tentative house guest to being completely settled in and finding it difficult to leave Maureen's.  While she has been incredibly kind and hospitable, making me feel at home and comfortable, I'm now finding it hard to leave because of the other house guests we've […]

all is full of love

I just finished checking my email for the first time in a few days, and I feel all giddy and happy and so in love with all of my friends.  I've said it before, but I'll say it again – THANK YOU for the emails and the updates and the comments.  You all are the […]


Sorry about the last entry's 'one huge paragraph' issue.  Paihia's internet cafe left something to be desired.  Like smooth-running internet.  Sigh.  In fixing the paragraph problem today, I lost the comments that Megan, Emma and Bryan left for me.  Saddies.  Thanks, kids, all the same :) 

Yesterday.  Hiking.  Got up early and packed up […]

blissful independence

Yesterday was a day for stress. Today was a day for sunshine and utter relaxation. When last I wrote, Andreas and I were somewhat stranded, but we had hope for work at a zucchini farm in Kerikeri. This is what actually happened…


a little short of breath and time

The place – Whangarei (fang-ah-ray). The time – 14.09 mintues to update. The situation – alone again!

FANTASTIC day yesterday with Germans – scenery: amazing, driving: hair-raising, adventure: very yes.

Between the five of us (+ 5 rucksacks and 5 smaller bags = VERY cramped), we managed to keep our fearless driver, Kathrin, on left […]

both feet forward

Today has lasted for an AGE.  In fact, I find it difficult to remember what I did all day – surely it's been two, maybe three days since I last updated.  But no.  One day…day two of the great kiwi adventure: significantly better than day one.  I ate breakfast at a cafe that had fed […]