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John Muir’s take on friendship and love

“To ask me whether I could endure to live without friends is absurd. It is easy enough to live out of material sight of friends, but to live without human love is impossible. Quench love, and what is left of a man’s life but the folding of a few jointed bones and square inches of flesh? Who could call that life?” – John Muir, 1870

My own jointed bones and square inches of flesh are feeling stretched taut, full of love and friendship. Full of the happy sadness and sentimentality of leaving a place one loves. Last night thirty-odd favorite ski bum friends poured into my home with arms full of food, drink, gifts, and good wishes. Chris set it up as a surprise party, but with so many friends excited to talk about my trip and share their support, the secret was never going to be kept for long. It was a great sending-off; tomorrow as I lift off from the Salt Lake airport, I’ll imagine that the plane is being buoyed by my friends’ excitement rather than jet fuel. I’m excited to leave; I believe as Muir does, that it is easy enough to live out of sight of one’s friends, but only because I know that I’m bringing their love with me, and that they’ll be waiting for me when I get back.

The adventure begins tomorrow…

2 comments to John Muir’s take on friendship and love

  • Martin

    Dear Susan,

    By the time I’m writing this message you are sitting on the plane seeking for new adventures, new friends and back in South America!!!!!YAY!!!!You are more than welcome to come to Argentina (Buenos Aires preferably)and visit me if you can.I’ll we be following/reading every step you make, as a good friend.

    Welcome to the Southern Hemisphere!!!

  • Friends will send you off, and you carry their love with you, but you will not be alone at your new adventure. New friends await for you. Enjoy!

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