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new! and exciting!

Dear readers,

I’d like to point out a couple of new features on my website. After almost two years of tinkering, it’s finally coming together according to my vision. Thanks for being patient with me!

NEW: See that little “Subscribe” button to the left? Type your email address in the box above the button, and […]

Living the Dream – Season Three

I started my job as a snowmaker today, though Mother Nature seemed to be sending me a message that, if she was going to be honest, she didn’t really need my help. Thick snowflakes curtained the road up Little Cottonwood Canyon, and Chris’ truck slid around a few corners despite being in four-wheel drive. Fresh […]

Filipino BBQ

While in Canada last month, Jeni and I were invited to a barbeque at her roommate Mia’s parents’ house. “We have to go, Susan. This isn’t any old backyard barbeque. This is a Filipino barbeque!”

It was cold and rainy outside, but warmth and festivity bloomed through the front door as we entered. I took […]

the dog who ate my toilet paper

Jeni and I were camped on the edge of a seven hundred foot bluff overlooking Reds Canyon in the San Rafael Swell, Utah. This was our last night on the road together, the night of the full moon, and the fall equinox. Equinox means the time of equal day and night, but the rising of […]

Vancouver by Bicycle

I’m in Vancouver, Canada.

I’ve been other places this summer, too: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Utah, Arizona, Alaska, and Oregon. Those trips, however, were jam-packed with families, weddings, friends, and action!, whereas this trip has involved a lot of downtime, which would explain this sudden flurry of Canadian blogging activity.

Today Jeni had the afternoon off, […]

kilometers are better than miles

Those “km”s whizz by so much faster than those ponderous “mi”s. And they sound far more impressive: “I just biked 20 km!” versus, “I did about 12 mi. this morning”. However one tells the distance, man, it feels good to be outside, moving, feeling the sweat on my back dry as I coast downhill, pedaling […]

vroooom, vroooom

Sage, aka: 1982 Honda XR 100

Rock climbing a few weeks ago, two ski instructor friends, Jordan and Dennis, pulled me aside. “Susan. We heard that you’ve been riding a dirt bike.” Dennis put his hand on my shoulder and stooped to look me in the face. “Really??” I bit my lip and tried […]

The rest of my summer…

September passed, and I was busy with several small fires around Salt Lake. October has finished up as well, and with it the fire season. Now it’s November, and the rocky peaks of the Wasatch have begun to wink at me with glittering, snowy eyes. It’s started to rain again in the valley, and after […]

And it burns, burns, burns

“Engine 742, get out of there!!” Brandon shouted into the radio even as he stretched his long legs in a sprint towards the thirty-foot flames. An old growth ponderosa pine was torching out next to the engine; fire roared through its upper branches, orange tongues licking the sky. Our favorable westerly winds had shifted […]

Finally, FIRE

The heat was oppressive. The sun shone down unimpeded, hit the black, ashy ridge top, and bounced back up through our feet and into our faces. Ninety degrees Fahrenheit in the shade, but my crew was walking through the part of the forest where the fire had burned the hottest, nuking the trees into crisp, […]